Scattered Graffiti Background

Monday, January 30, 2012

We are going to have to adopt him into our family.

We went and saw Brother Taylor last night after dropping off a meal from Tracy. He is one of the sweetest men, but very lonely. His wife died from stomach cancer 4 years ago and no family except an ex daughter in law that lives around the area. I think we are going to have to adopt him into our family. We had such a good time and loved hearing about his life on the farm, about his wife, and his love for football. (Jared was really excited about this.) I think Jared is already planning a visit to go over watch some football with him.

I am excited to go over again, but am trying to figure out somethings my kids can do so they are not so squirmy and wanting to get into everything in site. I may try taking over a portable DVD player and seeing how that works. If anyone else has any ideas please let me know.


  1. What a nice thing to do. I am sure he enjoyed having the company. The DVD sound like a good idea. Mom

  2. Thanks, mom. I hope he still will want us to come over.
