Scattered Graffiti Background

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sofa Table

I had my cousin Reed make this sofa table from a blog I saw off of Pinterest. I am sure you would have never guessed this came from my favorite site. I really thought that this would be a piece of cake. All I would have to do is sand it down and then stain it to the particular color of my liking. Yeah, a project that I thought would last a couple days extended into a three week project as I was unprepared I would have to redo the top and legs several times either because it was blotchier in some areas than others, or it did not stain evenly, which can happen with certain woods.I have since learned that you have to sand it really well and put a wood conditioner on it so it will stain evenly. I would have been able to put the wood conditioner on, but I already had put a gel stain on after doing the regular staining to try to help minimize the contrast in color. I did not want have to redo everything to make sure it all turned out right, which the table top and legs did turn out well once sanded really well. I love how it turned out and have had fun decorating it. I will show more pictures of it once I am finished decorating it.


  1. That looks terrific! It really is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I like how you decorated it. I think you have a good eye for decorating.

  3. Thanks. I for the most part had a good time doing it.

  4. Beautiful table! Reed did a fantastic job building it, and you did a super great job in decorating! Love it!
